Research and data are key to success

What’s become crystal clear, is the importance of staying on top of your digital marketing activity – sticking rigidly to an annual plan might be easier for you to manage but it certainly won’t generate the results you want. It’s crucial that digital activity is implemented, analysed, reviewed and tweaked on an on-going basis.

Here are Jenny’s top three tips to ensure your digital presence is en pointe:

  1. Optimise for mobile – More than half of site visits are abandoned if a mobile page takes more than three seconds to load*. Use Googles Speed Scorecard to understand how your site stacks up before implementing the recommended changes to make sure your site loads quickly, is accessible and offers a great experience for users.
  2. Invest in video – With consumers spending more and more time on smartphones the rate at which video content is consumed is not about to slow down. Marketeers need to understand the best types of video to engage their target audience and continue to use a data-driven approach to understand the changing requirements of that audience.
  3. Understand voice search – By 2020, it’s predicted that 50% of all searches will be voice searches. As search engines continue to understand more about user intent, organisations need to start exploring how to create more conversational content rather than just focusing on keywords.

*Google Data, Aggregated, anonymized Google Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, n=3.7K, Global, March 2016
