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2-minutes with Tearmh Taylor, corporate and consumer affairs manager, Warburtons

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1. What’s it like to be corporate and consumer affairs manager at Warburtons?
Is it a cliché to say, no two days are the same?! It is an incredibly busy role but I love it – I manage all the external facing comms, from helping navigate the business through crises such as COVID, leading on Government relations through to launching fun consumer activity such as our Christmas Crumpet Slippers campaign.

2. What’s the biggest misconception about your role?
In work, possibly that I can control what the media say and when they say it – I wish! At home, that I work in advertising.

3. What’s your biggest work-related pet hate?
Bad grammar, of course – you’re and you’re … come on, it isn’t difficult!

4. What’s your proudest work achievement to-date?
Hard to pick just one from 10 years at Warbs but the Radio 5 live session we did in 2019 was a great experience, as was turning the CO2 shortage in 2018 into a great piece of positive PR for the brand. However, not sure anything can beat being involved in the making of – and leading the PR for – the launch of our advert with Robert De Niro in 2019 … well, not yet anyway!

5. What four words best describe the qualities your job requires?
Resilience, creativity, multi-tasking, passion.