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2-minutes with Debra Andres, Chambers Director at Kings Chambers

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What’s it like to be a Chambers Director?
Busy! It’s a very rewarding career working with a team of dedicated and professional people in an industry that is still something of an enigma to the outside world.

What’s the biggest misconception about your role?
That you need to have a law degree to do it!

What’s your biggest work-related pet hate?
Rudeness – it is unnecessary.

What’s your proudest work achievement to-date?
In my 18 years here, bringing what is known as a relatively conservative profession into the twenty-first century with modern management principles! As a result, seeing Kings Chambers improve its rankings in the directories in which we are judged by our clients.  Most recently, reaching the top of the list in terms of practice area rankings and being above our London competition.

What four words best describe the qualities your job requires?
Decisive; Diplomatic; Organised; Dedicated.