2-minutes with Andrew Avery-Torrance, Creative Director at RMS

1. What project are you most proud of?
This is a tough one… working on the Myerson creative advertising campaign and the team winning three awards for it, one being national, is a definite highlight.
However, working on the branding for NorthCare Charity was a massive high for me as it’s something that has an emotional attachment.
2. What do you love most about your role?
So many things to choose from – every day is unique.
3. Which companies/brands do you admire?
Well obviously, Apple… McDonald’s execute some beautiful creative (although I’m not a fan of their products) but I would have to say that one of the brands that I most admire is Lego. Some of their creative advertising is inspired and their whole image from product to consumer engagement is second to none.
4. What’s your biggest office pet hate?
People leaving random coffee cups on desks – there should be an instant fine or imprisonment for this behaviour.
5. What four words best describe the qualities your job requires?
Communication, organisation, patience and vision.