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New work for Warburtons

  • Featured Work

We’ve been working with bakery giant Warburtons for six years now. Our initial brief was to revamp their staff magazine because engagement levels with their 6,000 employees was in decline. We introduced a completely new format – new size, new design, new content – and succeeded in reversing the downward trend and, modesty aside, even picked up a national award for our work along the way! W continues to be a much anticipated arrival through the letterboxes of its entire team, from delivery driver to boardroom executive.

Over the years, we’ve been delighted to have been asked to look at other aspects of their internal communications. As well as producing work for their conferences, we’ve built an intranet, produced training manuals, guides and recruitment posters for their HR department … you name it, anything and everything that communicates news and information internally, we’ve done.

Which is why when they recently asked us to produce some press advertisements, we were particularly excited.

OK, reality check. Let’s face it, we weren’t asked to take over the quite brilliant TV campaigns they produce (who can forget The Muppets, Sylvester Stallone, Peter Kay or Robert de Niro?) but it’s still lovely to get a brief that will be seen by people outside the company.

So what was our brief? It was to create advertisements for The Grocer, the bible of the retail industry. Why? In order to maintain awareness of the Warburtons brand among grocery buyers, be they from leading supermarket chains or independent corner shops.

Our design team went into action, creating simple, impactful and vibrant ads that also made readers lick their lips and associate the Warburtons brand with positive emotions about food.

The ads have been very well received and … get this … we’ve also produced one to appear in none other than the Brit Awards 2020 programme! Just think, our work is going to be seen by all sorts of uber cool musicians!