Hello Isabelle,

Have we got something for you!

The team at RMS is so keen to work with TRIP that we’ve created an entire content campaign for you.

Below you can see our rationale and a glimpse of the creative.

Take a look … we hope it excites you as much as us!


Jenny Maddock
Head of Digital
RMS Creative Communications

We’ve been following TRIP for several months now and think that you've done a stellar job with branding and positioning, which has given you a strong hold in the market...

We’d love to work with you to ensure your message and products continue to outshine your competitors.

Content marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to do this. With an effective strategy you can increase brand awareness, website traffic, influence customers, and ultimately drive increased sales.

And given that we’d love to work with you, we’ve already done all the heavy lifting and have created a turnkey campaign that's ready to go.

Below you can see the process we’ve gone through an the rationale that's led to the creative campaign.

Timeline for the creation of a successful content campaign

Define project goals


Objectives of the campaign are to raise:

  • Brand awareness
  • Generate backlinks
  • Increase SEO rankings & SERP visibility
  • Expand social follower numbers and engagement
  • Drive website traffic – organic, referral, direct
    – New users
    – Pageviews
    – Dwell time
    – Bounce rate
    – And, ultimately, contribute to CVR, sales and revenue growth

Undertake research


Key target persona identified as:

  • Female 25-45
  • Employed, busy social life, juggling family, friends and/or children, limited down time, aiming to  prioritise self-care, doesn’t have time for hangovers, interested in products that support healthier lifestyle
  • Regular social media user (IG & Facebook). Enjoys engaging, informative and humorous content
  • Heavily influenced by peers and reviews

Determine topics of interest


  • Implications of, and alternatives to drinking alcohol.
  • How hangxiety impacts people and what you can do to alleviate/reduce symptoms.

Keywords that TRIP already ranks for that could be maximised:

  • Alternatives to alcohol to relax – 60 vol
  • The fear hangover – 150 vol
  • Best drink for no hangover – 50 vol
  • Hangover fear – 150 vol

Source data


We commissioned Censuswide to survey 2000 people in the UK to reveal their views about alcohol, hangovers and hangxiety.

The results of this research have provided us with headline-grabbing data to drive media relations activity and secure coverage.

Develop content


  • Press releases featuring data insights
  • Infographics to accompany PR and act as evergreen content
  • 100 year timeline created showing alcohol-induced moments of note through the decades – interactive/engaging/shareable
  • Landing page – Source for more information and tool to generate backlinks
  • Social assets – Increase reach
  • Google Discover* – SEO/international pickup


*Google Discover content additional option

Select distribution channels


SOCIAL – IG and Facebook ads

MEDIA: International/National/Regional/Local/Lifestyle

  • Data can be manipulated for wider regional coverage
  • Outlets TRIP audience engages with include: The Guardian, BBC News, LADbible, CNN News, Londonist.


Assets designed to be shareable by publications on their social media channels.

Distribute content


Timing is key, post-Christmas/Dry January. Maximise awareness and increase followers, thereafter nurture through emails/retargeting via GDN/Social.

Analysis and reporting


Report provided 1 week after launch (for initial look at performance) then 1 month post launch, tracked against initial KPI’s and measuring financial success of the campaign.

Expected deliverables:

Linked Media Placements:

  • x 10 links DA <50
  • x 5 links DA 50+



So, Isabelle, there you have the thinking behind our campaign.

Now for a glimpse of the creative itself …

Isabelle, we hope you like what you see.

Content is king and we believe this campaign will help keep TRIP on the podium as the No 1 CBD drink supplier in the market.

And let’s face it, there are a lot of smaller companies popping up and nibbling at your heels.

We’d love to show you the campaign in its entirety and answer any questions you have such as, ‘Is there really such a thing as a free lunch?*

This campaign is ready to go. Everything is in place to hit the market in time to capitalise Dry January. Give me a call or email me and let’s talk!

Jenny Maddock
07376 489 626

*No but we do have a great meal deal to offer you!